Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Photodrive and South Falls Revisited

Whenever I am driving to a place to take pictures, such as Silver Falls State Park, I also look around me when I am driving to see things that most travelers miss--such as a barn peeking out of some trees, or a bird sitting on a fence post. So yesterday, I left the house earlier than usual with three locations that I wanted to drive to before I had to get to class at the local community college. The first site was a revisit to Silver Falls, this time with a tripod to get the photos I couldn't get several days ago, though it was pretty much the same. On the way to the waterfalls, I found a nice red barn to photograph. Lust like some painters love to paint barns, I love to get pictures of them, especially the older ones that have been well-maintained.

As I started taking pictures, a Northern Harrier flew right in front of the very barn I was photographing.

After visiting Silver Falls State Park, I headed towards the Silverton Reservoir. This was a section of road that I had never drove before, and as I was driving along, I saw yet another barn playing peek-a-boo behind some trees...

"Silverton Reservoir"

"The Power of Gravity"

After leaving the Silverton Reservoir, I headed to the Pettit Reservoir that is hidden from sight across the road from Rogers Wayside County Park. Unfortunately, the lake was not as pretty this time of year, so I will have to visit it in April.

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