Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Silver Falls State Park April 29th Hike

I left early this morning so I could see more wildlife before they find a place to hide. By getting there within minutes after the gates opened, I was able to see some of the deer and a chipmunk that call the park their home...

 Chickweed Monkeyflower

 Columbian Black-tailed Deer

 Fairyslipper (Calypso Orchid)

 Lower South Falls

 Oregon Dark-eyed Junko

 Pacific Bleeding Heart


 Small-flowered Forget-me-not

 Spring Azure (moth)

Townsend's Chipmunk

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Silver Falls State Park April 22nd Hike

This time, instead of walking a few miles on relatively flat ground, I hiked into the canyon toward Lower South Falls...

 Hooker's Fairybells

 Lower South Falls

 Short Oregon Grape

 Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary

 South Falls

South Fork of Silver Creek

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Silver Falls State Park April 15th Photowalk

After getting back out to the park, I decided to hike the trail from the day-use area to the campground and then continue on the Nature Trail that circles the campground. Though I got to see beaver dams, I unfortunately did not see any beavers...

American Robin

 One of three picnic shelters

 Trail though the Woods

 Oregon Anemone

Steller's Jay

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bonesteel County Park April 13th Photowalk

I love how close this county park is to where I live. It is a rather nice place to visit and get pictures of the flowers and of the wooded portion of the property...

Wild Cucumber

 Violets in the woods

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Silver Falls State Park April 9th Photowalk

I had the day of, so I went back to Silver Falls to hike a trail that I have never been on before--the trail connecting the day-use area with the campground. I got to discover more plants that I had never seen before as well...

 Pacific Bleeding Heart

 Palmate Coltsfoot

 Spring Queen

Western Thatcher Ants (this photo makes me think of abstract modern art)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Silver Falls State Park April 8th Photowalk

 Starting today, I will be going to Silver Falls once a week partly to volunteer and partly to take pictures as part of my project that I am starting. That project will include photos, videos, and audio from the park that will be compiled as a video for visitors to buy. I expect the project to take at least one year to gather all the pictures necessary. As usual, the best photos from today are posted below.
Red-breasted Sapsucker

Red-flowering Currant (should have been called pink-flowering currant)


 Scouler's Corydalis

Skunk Cabbage

South Falls

 South Fork of Silver Creek

Tall Oregon Grape (Oregon's state flower)

Western Trillium