Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Silver Falls State Park May 6th Hike

I decided that I was getting a little tired of seeing roughly the same scenery at the park, so I went on a longer hike on the Canyon Trail from South Falls to Winter Falls as I wanted to see more of the waterfalls. As much as I like learning the names of each plant so I can be a self-taught naturalist, I am getting a little bored of seeing the same plants and same scenery...

 Blue-eyed Grass

This picture came with a name

Drake Falls

Frenchie Falls

 A cascade that I call "Little South Falls" due to its size and proximity to South Falls

 While my favorite in Autumn, Lower North Falls has too much water at the moment to look pretty.

Lower South Falls

 Menzie's Larkspur

 Middle North Falls--definitely my favorite during Springtime.

 Vanilla-leaf--aptly named for the vanilla-like fragrance from the leaves.

Winter Falls--so called because it receives most of it's water from rain and snow

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